Seventy One 71 Night Flask
Seventy One 71 Night Flask



Seventy One 71 Night Flask

40.0% | 20CL

1-3 Business Days



Geographic location


Netherlands, Rotterdam

Product details

Composed like a perfume, Seventy One Gin unites a classic gin heart with the finest botanical absolutes. Hand-picked damask rose and grapefruit surround the ‘Queen of the Night (selenicereus glandiflorus)’, infusing the spirit with a heady, fragrant bouquet. Exceptionally rare, this flower blooms once a year, only at night, wilting before dawn. Finished in select oak casks, Seventy One Gin rests for 71 nights. A final nocturnal flourish, marrying the elements with a harmonious accord.

Tasting notes

A perfect expression of botanicals and wood. Bold, complex, dramatically smooth. Liquid gold as warm and exotic as the rush of the first sip.


Mert Alas of the fashion photography duo Mert and Marcus likes to have gin on the rocks with a group of close friends at night. His fondness for that particular drink propelled him to spend more than four years creating a one-of-a-kind gin, and the result is Seventy One, an after-hours gin in a bottle the shape of an Art Deco luxury perfume — and it smells like one, too. The brand is named after its unique resting technique, as the gin is matured in three different oak casks for 71 nights for the ideal taste. To match the name Eau De Nuit, and the fact that the gin, in the end, was made in a similar fashion to perfume making, Alas added the queen of the night, or Selenicereus grandiflorus, a rare, sweet-scented night-blooming cactus flower, on top of juniper, angelica, rose, grapefruit and cinchona to round up the final blend.

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